

Defined by Excellence

Demonstrated by Examination

Achieving NBRC credentials is a challenge – a true demonstration of the skills and strengths required for providing the highest quality respiratory patient care. As hundreds of thousands of NBRC credentialed practitioners will attest, success instills a sense of pride and demonstrates exceptional knowledge and competency.

All NBRC examinations are written and developed by a committee of credentialed respiratory therapists and pulmonary function technologists, as well as physicians who specialize in pulmonary and respiratory care. This approach helps ensure we are assessing the most current and in-demand clinical skill sets for excellence in respiratory care.

Once you have earned the NBRC badge of honor as a Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) or Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT), you can open new career possibilities and advance into leadership positions through specialty credentialing. NBRC specialty credentials signal to employers that your skills are advanced and up to date in multiple areas, including adult critical care, neonatal/pediatric respiratory care, pulmonary function technology, asthma education, and sleep disorders testing and therapeutic intervention. That recognition as a specialized respiratory care practitioner positions you well for jobs with higher salaries at high quality institutions.

Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination

Certified Respiratory Therapist

Certified Respiratory Therapist

Registered Respiratory Therapist

Registered Respiratory Therapist

Clinical Simulation Examination

Registered Respiratory Therapist

Registered Respiratory Therapist

Pulmonary Function Technology Examination

Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist

Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist

Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist

Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist

Specialty Examinations

Adult Critical Care Specialty

Adult Critical Care Specialist

Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty

Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist

Sleep Disorders Specialty

Sleep Disorders Specialist

AE-C Digital Credential

Asthma Educator Specialist (AE-C)