Looking Back at 2024

Few would say that 2024 was uneventful, but this is especially true for all the professionals involved in the world of respiratory care. The NBRC sought to accomplish several key initiatives in 2024 to foster and enhance the field like never before. Together, we journeyed state to state to speak with professionals in every corner of the United States, safeguarded RT credentials by bolstering examination security, continued the promotion of the need to recruit and retain qualified respiratory therapists, once again offered generous donations to educational institutions to be used for scholarships and so much more.
In 2024, we concentrated our efforts on connecting with all of the heroes in respiratory care on an interpersonal level and tackling issues they experienced. Representatives from the NBRC traveled nationwide to cultivate conversations on the state of the profession and engage with therapists from Southern California to the Jersey Shore and everywhere in between. The NBRC visited 19 state society meetings in pursuit of bettering the practice of respiratory care, and we are excited to visit even more in 2025. If you would like the NBRC to visit your state, reach out to your local state’s society for respiratory care and ask them to set a date and time for a presentation by emailing kellie.carroll@nbrc.org.
The NBRC remained committed to driving recruitment for respiratory therapists throughout 2024 as part of the collaborative MoreRTs campaign with the AARC and CoARC. Thousands of RTs have joined the ranks against respiratory illness this year, partly thanks to the brave and inspiring stories sourced from respiratory therapists and their patients. As part of the multi-year campaign to recruit more RTs, the NBRC highlights stories in respiratory care that inspire us. This year, we showcased the story of Knox Tysdahl, whose life was saved by a team of specialists, including respiratory therapists, after an extremely premature birth; and the story of Jessica Overgoner, RRT, RRT-NPS, and her patient and son Lucas, whom she adopted after providing life-saving care. As we enter 2025, we will continue to identify stories of heroism and kindness in respiratory care while we strive to spread the message for MoreRTs.
One of the most important parts of recruiting the next generation of respiratory therapists is to ensure that each candidate who passes an NBRC examination does so using their knowledge, skills and abilities. After instances of candidates violating testing rules and regulations, the NBRC took measures to increase examination security and preserve the integrity of the credentialing system. Initiatives like the creation of a fraud reporting page and sunsetting live remote proctoring will make a substantial impact on the preservation of exam security and the continued competency of credentialed therapists.
With the outpouring of gratitude we received after investing $2 million in respiratory care scholarships in 2022, it became clear that continued support and investment in respiratory care students is one of the most effective ways to help recruit and retain more respiratory therapists. The NBRC understands that to raise the number of RTs needed nationwide, there must first be an engaged pool of knowledge-hungry and eager students. This is why the NBRC decided again to invest back into respiratory care education, infusing CoARC-accredited programs with more than $4 million in scholarship funds, doubling the 2022 investment. We hope that the NBRC’s contributions will continue to make lasting impacts on the careers of RTs and the health of their patients.
The NBRC has also been involved in several projects and coordinated efforts that we are glad to see are coming to fruition. Our examinations staff aided the AARC with both a human resources study and a safe effective staffing guideline study this past year. Both studies embody AARC-NBRC coordination and cooperation promoting the respiratory therapy profession. The NBRC continues to foster relationships with sponsoring organizations, such as CHEST and ATS, by attending their annual meeting and sponsoring events like the Respiratory Care Interest Group Luncheon and Research Benefit, respectively. In 2025, we will continue to cultivate these relationships, ensuring that we work together to address the challenges and opportunities facing the profession. By uniting our efforts, we can amplify our collective impact and drive meaningful change. Additionally, the NBRC completed its work on two job analysis studies for both the Adult Critical Care Specialty Examination and the Respiratory Therapy Examination which will shape future versions of both examinations.
Overall, the NBRC continues to make significant strides in the efforts to recruit and retain RTs, uphold the integrity of examinations and credentials, highlight inspiring stories of heroism in respiratory care and invest millions of dollars towards respiratory care education. Thanks to these accomplishments, no one will soon forget the year 2024; now let’s go make 2025 even more memorable!