How to Properly Use your NBRC Credential(s)
Respiratory care professionals spend a tremendous amount of time and effort to earn their national credentials and the NBRC wants to ensure the continued value and meaning of the credential acronyms associated with your hard work. The NBRC’s credential designations are federally registered (trademarked) and accordingly, must be used in the manner in which they were registered. Legally, only those individuals who have passed the respective examinations are authorized to use the credential acronyms.
The NBRC has policies in place to ensure those who misuse or misrepresent themselves using the federally protected designations are disciplined accordingly. But even more importantly, it is essential the designations be used properly by those who have earned the right to use them so the NBRC can continue to uphold and renew its federal registrations on these marks.
The proper use of each credential is as follows:
- CRT: Chris Smith, CRT
- RRT: Chris Smith, RRT
- CPFT: Chris Smith, CPFT
- RPFT: Chris Smith, RPFT
- NPS: Chris Smith, CRT, CRT-NPS or RRT, RRT-NPS
- SDS: Chris Smith, CRT, CRT-SDS or RRT, RRT-SDS
- ACCS: Chris Smith, RRT, RRT-ACCS
- AE-C: Chris Smith, RRT, AE-C
- Multiple Credentials: Chris Smith, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, RPFT, AE-C
It is important to note that NBRC credentials are not punctuated with periods.
Additionally, general guidelines have been established for how all academic and professional credentials should be used and listed. An education degree is listed first (highest degree listed first for multiple degrees) as it is a “permanent” credential that can’t be taken away except under extreme circumstances. Licensure and state designations or requirements are listed next, as they are required to practice in your chosen profession. Lastly, national certification is sometimes voluntary, and awards, honors, and other recognitions are always voluntary, so these are listed at the end. If multiple certifications are earned, the most recently earned is usually placed last.
The appropriate order to list academic and professional credentials is as follows:
1. Highest earned degree
2. Licensure
3. State designations or requirements
4. National certifications
5. Awards and honors
6. Other recognitions
Please help the NBRC continue to ensure the value and meaning of your national credentials and do not allow misuse to undermine the importance of the recognition(s) you’ve worked hard to earn.