Resource Central
We support the need for excellence in the field through rigorous examinations that ensure hard work and dedication go into achieving and maintaining NBRC credentials. Part of our commitment includes making sure you have access to the resources and information you need to fulfill your own role in ensuring excellence in respiratory patient care.
To find the resources you need, click or tap on a category below.
Candidate and Practitioner Videos
We’ve created the following videos to guide our candidates and credentialed practitioners through the rules, tools and processes involved in achieving and maintaining NBRC credentials. Select a video topic below to learn more:
Who is the NBRC?
The NBRC credentials
How to apply for NBRC examinations
How to use the candidate/practitioner dashboard
The NBRC exam security
You have your credentials…now what?
How to purchase a credential verification letter
Benefits of specialty credentials
How to contact the NBRC
What is the Credential Maintenance Program?
Adding your NBRC Badge to your Outlook email signature
Asthma Educator Specialist (AE-C) Credential
The New Respiratory Therapy Examination
Practitioner Services & General FAQs
How do I order NBRC products and services?
You must have an account and password before you can log in to order products and services. If you have not set up an account, click the First Time User link to create one. If you have already created an account, you may log in to order anytime.
What are the fees for NBRC products and services?
Item | Fee |
Credential Verification | $5 |
Lapel Pins | $75 |
Replacement Wallet Cards | $10 |
Duplicate Score Reports | $25 |
Replacement Certificates | $25 |
How do I change my name with the NBRC?
To change your last name with the NBRC, send an email to and include your current name, your previous name, and your address. To change your first and last name, you must send a copy of official documentation of your name change and include your current name, previous name and current address.
How do I order a replacement certificate?
To order a replacement certificate online:
- Log in to the Practitioner Portal
- click on the “Order Products” link in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen
- click on the certificate you wish to purchase
- click continue and follow on screen instructions to submit payment
Online orders will be processed and mailed within three weeks.
You may also mail your request and payment to NBRC, Attn: Certificate Copy, 10801 Mastin Street, Suite 300, Overland Park, KS 66210. Please allow three to four weeks for US mail delivery.
How can someone verify my credentials?
A letter of credential verification can confirm the information on each credential currently held for you.
There are two ways you may request a letter of credential verification.
Please allow two days for online requests and 7-10 days for processing mailed requests. In addition to these time frames, please allow 5-7 business days for US mail delivery.
I don’t remember the email address I used to log in. How do I update my login information?
To update your login information, send an email to and include your current name, address, the last four digits or your social security number and the email address you want to use for your login access.
Annual Fee
Why should I submit my annual fee?
It is the mission of the NBRC to protect and enhance patient lives by promoting excellence in respiratory care. When you choose to submit your annual fee, you are not only demonstrating your commitment to the profession, you are also investing in our newest practitioners as they launch their careers.
Your annual fee helps maintain the costs of credentialing examinations, fund action for patient advocacy, fund research necessary to keep the credentialing system viable, and remains an important part of continued growth targeted at promoting the profession.
Whether you submit your annual fee for credential maintenance or to support the NBRC, this is another way to let excellence define you as a credentialed respiratory care practitioner. We encourage you to set a goal for submitting your annual fee every year.
When is my annual fee due?
If you are an NBRC credentialed respiratory care practitioner, you should pay your annual fee by December 31 each year.
Can I pay my annual fee online?
Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) FAQs
Formerly known as the Continuing Competency Program (CCP)
Do I have to participate in the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP)?
For everyone whose mission involves protecting patient lives by ensuring quality respiratory care in the field, we all have one thing in common: EXCELLENCE defines us.
That’s why maintaining your credential(s) through the CMP is necessary to ensure your continued competence as respiratory care methodologies and technologies change over time. The CMP has three options to maintain your credentials; 1) earn another NBRC credential, 2) pass the same credentialing examination again, or 3) take quarterly assessments and/or document up to 30 continuing education credits. Your performance on the assessments will determine whether or not you have to also document CE with the NBRC.
Through assessments, continuing education or examination, maintaining your credential through CMP demonstrates your ongoing commitment to excellence and patient safety as a credentialed respiratory therapist or pulmonary function technologist.
Why does the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) have an assessment component?
The goal in using assessments is to strengthen the relationship between competencies of credential holders and expectations linked to those credentials. Quarterly assessments are a component of the CE option to maintain credentials through the promotion of learning. Practitioners will not be required to take the assessments but are encouraged to do so to demonstrate their competency and knowledge.
What will the assessments cover?
Each assessment is designed to focus on content that changes most rapidly and puts the public at highest risk. Practitioners who participate in the credential maintenance process were surveyed to identify changing content and public risk issues. New assessment items will be created each year, so content will continue to cover hot topics as they emerge. Assessments designed this way will be more meaningful and valuable in comparison to the current system that relies on an accumulation of general continuing education credits.
What is the format of the questions on the assessment?
Each assessment question is in multiple-choice format with four potential answers to choose. Each question must be answered within five minutes of being displayed. Content of the assessments is focused on tasks that put the public at high risk and have a high pace of change. Assessments are taken in an open-book format which means you can access resources during the five minutes before selecting a response. However, no other person should help you.
How much will it cost?
The Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) fee is $125 collected annually in $25 increments over the 5-year credential term. If you do not pay the CMP fee annually, you will be required to submit payment of $25 per year for which payment was not made. If you choose to maintain your credential(s) by taking the examination for the highest-level credential held, or by taking another NBRC credentialing examination not previously completed, you will not be required to submit Credential Maintenance Program compliance information; you need only to pay the examination fee. The examination application and fee serve as the required documentation for credential maintenance.
Do I still have to document CE with NBRC?
CE may be required depending on your assessment performance. Your assessment score and number of CE required will be updated each quarter as you complete your assessments on your credential maintenance dashboard within the Practitioner Portal. If your assessment score is high enough, no documentation of CE will be required to renew your credential(s). Other results will place you into one of two groups: those in the yellow zone who will be required to document 15 CE credits and those in the red zone who will be required to document 30 CE credits.
Maintaining a credential is separate from maintaining a license. Even if high assessment performance exempts you from documenting CE for the NBRC, the state in which you live will require CE documentation for your license.
Where do I take my assessment?
The assessment is accessible online at and may be completed on a mobile device, tablet, or personal computer. Some questions contain images and graphics whose details may be easier to see while using a device with a larger screen. Make the decision about the device you use before starting an assessment because the timer cannot be paused once a question is opened. The timer will continue if closing a browser or powering off the device.
When do I take my assessment and how much time do I have to complete it?
An email or text message notifying you that an assessment is available will be sent twice a year. New assessments open quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. Open assessments are available until January 31 of the following year.
How many questions will be on my assessment?
Assessment Group | Credentials | Number of Items Each Quarter | Number of Items Each Year |
RT | CRT, RRT | 10 | 40 |
PFT | CPFT, RPFT | 5 | 20 |
NPS | CRT-NPS, RRT-NPS | 5 | 20 |
SDS | CRT-SDS, RRT-SDS | 5 | 20 |
ACCS | RRT-ACCS | 5 | 20 |
AE-C | AE-C | 5 | 20 |
What is the best way to prepare for the assessments?
Reviewing the specific detailed content outline (DCO) to identify your personal areas of strengths and weaknesses before you begin an assessment is suggested. An explanation for all possible responses and a reference citation is provided for each question for use in further researching the topic. This feedback provides an excellent opportunity for professional development, as well as improving performance on future assessments.
What information does the CMP Detailed Content Outline (DCO) provide?
The DCO provides the number of questions you can expect for a one-year period and describes the content areas and complexity levels (recall, application, analysis) covered on each assessment. Tasks are identical to those found on the credentialing examination. However, because CMP assessments are purposely limited to content that put patients at increased risk and tasks that change rapidly, some tasks will not be included in the CMP assessments and are shaded on the DCO to indicate this.
- CMP Adult Critical Care Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Pulmonary Function Technology Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Respiratory Therapist Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Sleep Disorders Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Asthma Educator Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
What are my options for maintaining my credential(s) through the CMP?
To meet your individual needs as a credentialed respiratory care practitioner, we offer three options for maintaining your credential through our Credential Maintenance Program:
- Option 1: Complete the quarterly assessment(s) for your credential(s) and, if needed, provide proof of completion of required hours of Category I Continuing Education (CE) acceptable to the NBRC, according to your assessment progress (see table below). Category I Continuing Education is defined as participation in an educational activity directly related to respiratory therapy or pulmonary function technology, which includes any of the following:
- Lecture – A discourse given for instruction before an audience or through teleconference
- Panel – A presentation of multiple views by several professionals on a given subject with none of the views considered a final solution
- Workshop – A series of meetings for intensive, hands-on study or discussion in a specific area of interest
- Seminar – An advanced study or discussion in a specific field of interest
- Symposium – A conference of more than a single session organized for discussing a specific subject from various viewpoints and by various presenters
- Online Education – Includes materials such as text, Internet or CD, provided the proponent has included an independently scored test as part of the learning package
- Option 2: Retake and pass the respective examination for the highest credential held that is subject to the Credential Maintenance Program.
- Option 3: Pass an NBRC credentialing examination not previously completed.
What CE courses will the NBRC accept toward compliance with the CMP?
At the NBRC, we intend for the completion of CE credit to coordinate with the requirements of state licensure agencies, which means we permit any course accepted by your state licensing board for the purposes of respiratory care licensure. If your state licensing board does not have its own specific course requirements, rest assured the NBRC will accept any course credits from the American Association for Respiratory Care Continuing Respiratory Care Education Program (AARC-CRCE®) as fulfillment of our Credential Maintenance Program requirements.
How many CEUs can I document for BLS, ACLS, NRP and/or PALS certifications?
The NBRC will accept CE courses accepted by your state licensing board.
If your state does not award credit, six (6) CEU hours will be accepted for successful completion of courses in BLS, ACLS, NRP and/or PALS but not more than 12 CEU hours will be accepted for any combination of these programs during your five (5) year credential cycle.
How many CEUs am I required to document?
The chart below outlines the number of CE hours required. General respiratory hours are accepted for RT and each specialty credential requires the indicated hours in that area (neonatal/pediatric, sleep testing and interventions, adult critical care, pulmonary function or diagnostics technology, asthma education).
How do I submit CEU information to the NBRC?
Continuing education information must be submitted online through the NBRC Practitioner Portal. Please do not submit paper documents. After logging in, choose ‘Credential Maintenance’ from the menu. While you will be able to enter your CE course records at any time, you can only click the ‘Recertify Now’ button during the last six months before your expiration date.
Can I edit the course type of my CEU once it has been imported?
Yes. Any CEU type may be manually re-categorized if needed. For example, a specialty course type may be re-categorized as a general course type. Login to the practitioner portal and check ‘Course Type’ to use the ‘pencil’ icon to edit. Contact us at 913.895.4900 with any questions.
How do I track my assessment progress?
Log in to the Practitioner Portal and go to the credential maintenance dashboard to view your progress. Progress is displayed in red, yellow, and green zones reflecting success while responding to assessment questions. The color-coded progress indicator will include responses from CRT or RRT assessments plus specialty assessments. For example, a therapist who has achieved RRT and RRT-NPS credentials will observe progress after one quarter that is based on 10 RRT questions plus 5 RRT-NPS questions for a total of 15 questions.
You will find learning content in your progress dashboard explaining more about the best response to each question. Continuing education should be sought that builds one’s knowledge about content the assessments cover. Each assessment question has been linked to high patient risk tasks.
What if I have one credential that expires and one that does not expire?
When an individual has a credential that expires, plus a lifetime credential, there is an opportunity to opt-in for the credential that expires. Opting-in signals an individual’s intent to access assessments linked to both the lifetime credential and the credential that expires. However, an individual may opt-out of participating for the lifetime credential at any time thereafter. Individuals holding a specialty credential are not eligible to opt-out of assessments for the CRT or RRT credential.
What happens if my credential expires?
If you are within six months of credential expiration, you have the option of entering your CEUs online and paying a $250 reinstatement fee. Any CMP fees paid annually become void once your credential expires and your CEUs must have been earned during your five-year credential term. CEUs obtained after your credential expiration are not accepted. If your credential is expired more than six months, you must apply for testing to reinstate your credential. You must meet the admission policies in effect at the time you apply and will be required to pay the new application fee. If you successfully complete the examination, your credential will be reinstated. If you have more than one expired credential, you must apply for and pass all examinations to reinstate your expired credentials.
Why is the CMP voluntary for practitioners credentialed before July 1, 2002?
Credentialing standards were different at the time those credentials were earned. Imposing a new requirement for maintaining a credential after someone has started a professional career is different than creating a new requirement for someone who subsequently enters the profession. The NBRC believes that more of these practitioners may participate in the CMP if they know they cannot lose their credential by doing so. The patients served by these practitioners will be better protected because of participation and the learning that is expected to follow.
What if I have a credential not subject to the Credential Maintenance Program?
Only credentials earned beginning July 1, 2002 are subject to expiration and require taking part in the Continuing Competency Program. Credentials earned prior to July 1, 2002 are valid for a lifetime with no expiration date.
Are there instructions on how to complete the assessments?
Are college courses accepted for CE?
If your state licensing agency accepts college education taken at a post-secondary institution accredited by a regional accreditation agency or association recognized by the U.S. Department of Education for continuing education (CE), the NBRC will accept it for the same number of CEUs.
Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) FAQs
How many CRCEs are awarded?
Credential holders who complete 90% of RT assessments will earn 6 CRCE credits and those who complete 90% of specialty credential assessments will earn 3 CRCE credits.
Is partial credit offered?
No. Credential holders must complete 90% of RT assessments to earn 6 CRCE credits or 90% of specialty credential assessments to earn 3 CRCE credits.
Do I have to be an AARC member to receive CRCE credit?
No. To have credit electronically submitted to AARC, the member number must be provided to NBRC using ‘Edit Profile’ in the Practitioner Portal.
When are assessments available?
Assessments are released quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. Open assessments are available until January 31 of the following year. Assessments are available in all five years of the credentialing cycle.
How can I use CRCE credit to recertify if my credential expires in the last quarter of the year (October 1 through December 31)?
CRCE credit is awarded based on calendar year, therefore, you must complete 90% of the assessment items (36 for RT and 18 for specialty credentials) and recertify before your credential expires. Once credential holders reach the 90% threshold the CE hours will automatically be added to the list of courses in the Practitioner Portal.
My credential doesn’t expire. Can I still take assessments to earn CRCE credit?
Yes, you may opt-in to the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) through the Practitioner Portal to take assessments. You will be required to pay the annual support fee to access assessments. Opting-in will not impact your credential expiration status; it will remain a life-long credential.
What does the message ‘CRCE Credit only; not to reduce CEUs documented for the NBRC’ mean when I go to available assessments?
Completing assessments with this message won’t be used to reduce the number of CEUs required to maintain your credential through the Credential Maintenance Program, but you may complete the assessment to receive CRCE credit.
Where can I find my CRCE certificate?
Certificates will be posted to ‘My Documents’ in the Practitioner Portal by February 28 each year.
Digital Badge FAQs
What is a digital badge?
The digital badge serves as a quick and reliable way to share and verify your credentials. This digital badge will display all credentials that you have earned, including specialty credentials. This badge can easily be added to your email signature, resume, or social media profiles.
How long is my digital badge valid?
Digital badges are available as soon as a credentialed practitioner submits their annual payment and valid thru December 31 of that year. Digital badges will then need to be reactivated on a yearly basis which is done by submitting annual payment or support payment.
Why isn’t my digital badge displaying when using the personalized URL?
Your digital badge may not be active for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons are listed below.
- Practitioner payment is not current – Your digital badge is a benefit of paying your annual payment or your support payment.
- Practitioner credential(s) expired – You must have valid, unexpired credentials for your personalized digital badge page to display.
- Invalid badge link – Each digital badge has its own unique URL. Ensure that you have copied or typed the link carefully and accurately.
How can I share my digital badge in an email signature within Outlook?
Adding a hyperlinked badge image to your email signature is a great way to make sure your professional network is aware of your credentials. Use the video or instructions below to add your digital badge to an Outlook signature.
First, find your badge image and personal badge URL.
- Log into your Practitioner Portal account at and click on ‘Manage Digital Badge’
- Download your digital badge by clicking on the image or use the link provided on screen.
- Copy the URL for you personalized digital badge. You’ll need this to hyperlink to associate with the downloaded image.
- Start a new email and click signature.
- Either add a new one (used for these instructions) or edit an existing signature.
- Select the image icon and choose the image you downloaded from your Practitioner Portal account. You can adjust the image size by dragging the corners inward.
- Next hyperlink the image by pasting your personalized digital badge URL you copied from the Practitioner Portal.
- Select Ok to save the new or edited Outlook signature.
How can I share my digital badge within a resume?
To add a certification/badge to your resume or any other Word file, follow these step by step instructions:
- Download and save your Digital Badge image.
- Within the Word document, click the Insert tab, then Pictures, This Device and select the Digital Badge image you saved.
- Right-click on the image within the document and select Link then add your personalized URL.
How can I share my digital badge on Facebook?
You can share your Digital Badge on your Facebook page from the Timeline tab in 2 ways—either as a Life Event or as a Photo.
Post as a Life Event
- Download and save your Digital Badge image.
- Login to your Facebook account and from Timeline, click on Life Event.
- From Life Event, click on Work & Education and choose Create Your Own tab at the bottom of the menu.
- Add a title on Create Your Own page which indicates you earned a new credential.
- On the right side of the page, click on Upload Photos and choose the badge image that you saved in step 1.
- On the Story tab, add your personalized URL with the instructions to follow the link to view your credentials.
- Select the people you would like to share your accomplishment with and click save.
- Once saved, it will appear on your homepage.
Post as a Photo
- Download and save your Digital Badge image.
- Login to your Facebook account and from Timeline, click on Photo and then Upload Photo.
- Once you click on Upload Photo, select the Digital Badge image that you saved.
- When prompted to “write something about this photo,” add your personalized URL with the instructions to follow the link to view your credentials.
- Click Post and it will appear on your homepage.
How can I share my digital badge on Twitter?
Follow these step by step instructions to share your digital badge on Twitter:
- Download and save your Digital Badge image.
- Log in to your Twitter account and click Compose New Tweet on the right-hand side of the menu.
- Create a message that tells your followers about your new digital badge and credential(s) and inform your followers that they should “Follow this link to view my credential:…” and add your personalized URL link.
- Click Add Photo and upload the Digital Badge image that you downloaded in step 1.
- Click the Tweet button and publish your credential to your followers.
What are the admission requirements for the TMC Examination?
Please ensure you meet the following requirements before applying for the TMC Examination:
1. Be 18 years of age or older.
2. Be a graduate of and have a minimum of an associate degree from a respiratory therapy education program supported or accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
3. Be a CRT for at least four years and have at least 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or its equivalent. The 62 semester hours of college credit must include the following courses: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, and mathematics.
4. Be a CRT for at least two years and have earned a minimum of an associate degree from a respiratory therapy education program supported or accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
5. Be a CRT for at least two years and have earned a baccalaureate degree in an area other than respiratory care and shall have at least 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or equivalent. The 62 semester hours of college credit must include the following courses: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, and mathematics.
6. Hold the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT) RRT credential.
What is the application process, and how long does it take?
You may apply online or submit a paper application and fee once you have met the admission requirements.
If applying and paying by credit card online, your application is processed immediately. If mailing your application and fee, your application will be processed within approximately five to seven business days. An email confirmation notice of eligibility will be sent to you, which includes a website and toll-free telephone number for you to contact to schedule an examination appointment.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you will be notified by email of the additional information required to complete your application.
What are the examination fees?
The TMC Examination costs $190 for new applicants and $150 for repeat applicants.
When is the application deadline?
There are no application deadlines. If you meet the admissions requirements for an examination you may submit your application and fee at any time.
What if I don’t receive an email confirming my eligibility?
If you don’t receive an email confirmation of eligibility or an incomplete notice within two weeks of submitting your application, contact the NBRC. If your application is not on file, you will be asked to send a replacement application form and fee.
When and where are NBRC examinations administered?
NBRC examinations are administered Monday through Saturday at more than 300 assessment centers across the country (except on nationally recognized holidays). Search for an assessment center near you.
Can I schedule my examination online?
Yes. If you are approved to take an examination and paid the appropriate fee, you may schedule online.
Is a free practice examination available?
A free TMC practice examination is available so you may familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on the credentialing exam.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
Is a Self-Assessment Examination available?
If you are assessing your preparedness for the TMC Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase. The TMC SAE has the same number of questions as the credentialing examination.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
How much testing time is given to complete the TMC Examination?
The testing time for the TMC Examination is three hours.
What content will be included on the TMC Examination?
To begin your preparation in an informed and organized manner, you should know what to expect from the actual examination in terms of content areas tested. The detailed content outlines present the specific patient care settings and each of the content areas. The outlines can be used to get a general impression of the examination, and with closer inspection, can give you specific study direction. For example, you can determine the relative importance of each content area on the examination by reviewing the number of questions in each section.
When will I receive my test scores?
You will receive information about your score at the test center after completing the examination.
Do I have to wait between attempts of the examination?
As indicated in the table below, candidates may attempt the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations three times, after which the candidate will be required to wait a minimum of 120 days between any subsequent attempt. For the specialty credentialing examinations, including Pulmonary Function Technology, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty, Sleep Disorders Specialty, and Adult Critical Care Specialty Examinations, candidates may attempt the exam two times, after which the candidate will be required to wait at least 180 days before sitting for the exam again.
Examination |
Initial Attempts Without Waiting |
Days Between Each Subsequent Attempt |
Therapist Multiple-Choice |
3 |
120 |
Clinical Simulation |
3 |
120 |
Pulmonary Function Technology |
2 |
180 |
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Sleep Disorders Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Adult Critical Care Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Asthma Educator Specialty |
2 |
180 |
As the respiratory profession continues to grow and flourish, we feel this is an important and necessary policy to implement in order to ensure caregiver competency and patient safety for years to come.
What is the NBRC’s Record Retention Policy?
When you apply for an examination, your eligibility records are maintained for one year following application regardless of whether or not you schedule an exam. If you don’t actively pursue credentialing, your eligibility records are inactivated after one year. If you are a candidate whose records are inactivated, you must reapply as a new candidate and meet the most current admissions requirements to be eligible for the exam. Please note: if you have passed one of the examinations to earn the RRT Credential (TMC or CSE) and allow your application records to become inactivated, your passing performance will be nullified, so we encourage you to pursue credentialing in a timely manner after applying and receiving a confirmation of eligibility notice.
To support you through the entire process, we are committed to providing appropriate notices to candidates before their application records are inactivated, so we also encourage you to keep your contact information current with the NBRC.
What do the cut scores mean?
There are two established cut scores for the Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination. If you achieve the low cut score, you will earn the CRT credential. If you achieve the high cut score, you will earn the CRT credential AND become eligible for the Clinical Simulation Examination (provided you meet the eligibility requirements and are eligible to earn the RRT credential). If you do not achieve a minimum of the low cut score, you must reapply for the TMC Examination.
Does passing the TMC Examination at the high cut score automatically mean I’m eligible for the Clinical Simulation Examination (CSE)?
No. You must meet the CSE eligibility requirements, regardless of examination score.
If I currently hold the CRT credential and score below the low cut score on the TMC Examination, will I lose my CRT credential?
No. You can retake the TMC Examination as many times as necessary to regain RRT eligibility or to become eligible for the Clinical Simulation Examination without impacting the status of your current CRT credential. However, once you attempt the TMC Examination three times, a waiting period of a minimum of 120 days will be imposed before you will be able to sit for the exam again.
Can I qualify to take the TMC Examination with foreign education?
Foreign respiratory therapy education does not qualify for admission to the TMC Examination. You must have a minimum of an associate’s degree from an accredited respiratory therapy education program. View a list of accredited education programs.
What are the admission requirements for the Clinical Simulation Examination?
Please ensure you meet the following requirements before applying for the Clinical Simulation Examination:
1. Be a CRT and have successfully completed the Therapist Written Examination (WRRT) on or before December 31, 2014; OR Be a CRT and have successfully completed the TMC Examination by achieving the high cut score on or after January 2015.
2. Be a graduate of and have a minimum of an associate degree from a respiratory therapy education program supported or accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
3. Be a CRT for at least four years and have at least 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or its equivalent. The 62 semester hours of college credit must include the following courses: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, and mathematics.
4. Be a CRT for at least two years and have earned a minimum of an associate degree from a respiratory therapy education program supported or accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
5. Be a CRT for at least two years and have earned a baccalaureate degree in an area other than respiratory care and shall have at least 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or equivalent. The 62 semester hours of college credit must include the following courses: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, and mathematics.
6. Hold the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT) RRT credential.
What is the application process, and how long does it take?
You may apply online or submit a paper application and fee once you have met the admission requirements.
If applying and paying by credit card online, your application is processed immediately. If mailing your application and fee, your application will be processed within approximately five to seven business days. An email confirmation notice of eligibility will be sent to you, which includes a website and toll-free telephone number for you to contact to schedule an examination appointment.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you will be notified by email of the additional information required to complete your application.
What are the examination fees?
The CSE costs $200 for both new and repeat applicants.
Are any examination fee discounts offered?
Yes, AARC MEMBERS are eligible for a one-time, $40 discount when applying for the first time for the following NBRC examinations:
You must register for the AARC Member Discount through the AARC website at AARC will send an email after registering for the discount containing instructions about accessing the NBRC’s online examination application. You must begin the application process from the link in the instructions you receive from the AARC by email. The discount must be used at the time you submit your application and payment and will not be retroactively applied.
When is the application deadline?
There are no application deadlines. If you meet the admissions requirements for an examination you may submit your application and fee at any time.
What if I don’t receive an email confirming my eligibility?
If you don’t receive an email confirmation of eligibility or an incomplete notice within two weeks of mailing your application, contact the NBRC. If your application is not on file, you will be asked to send a replacement application form and fee.
When and where are NBRC examinations administered?
NBRC examinations are administered Monday through Saturday at more than 300 assessment centers across the country (except on nationally recognized holidays). Search for an assessment center near you.
Can I schedule my examination online?
Yes. If you are approved to take an examination and paid the appropriate fee, you may schedule online.
Is a free practice examination available?
A free CSE practice examination is available so you may familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on the credentialing exam.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
Is a Self-Assessment Examination available?
If you are assessing your preparedness for the Clinical Simulation Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
How much testing time is given to complete the Clinical Simulation Examination?
The testing time for the CSE is four hours.
What content will be included on the Clinical Simulation Examination?
To begin your preparation in an informed and organized manner, you should know what to expect from the actual examination in terms of content areas tested. The detailed content outlines present the specific patient care settings and each of the content areas. The outlines can be used to get a general impression of the examination, and with closer inspection, can give you specific study direction. For example, you can determine the relative importance of each content area on the examination by reviewing the number of questions in each section.
When will I receive my test scores?
You will receive information about your score at the test center after completing the examination.
Do I have to wait between attempts of the examination?
As indicated in the table below, candidates may attempt the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations three times, after which the candidate will be required to wait a minimum of 120 days between any subsequent attempt. For the specialty credentialing examinations, including Pulmonary Function Technology, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty, Sleep Disorders Specialty, and Adult Critical Care Specialty Examinations, candidates may attempt the exam two times, after which the candidate will be required to wait at least 180 days before sitting for the exam again.
Examination |
Initial Attempts Without Waiting |
Days Between Each Subsequent Attempt |
Therapist Multiple-Choice |
3 |
120 |
Clinical Simulation |
3 |
120 |
Pulmonary Function Technology |
2 |
180 |
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Sleep Disorders Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Adult Critical Care Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Asthma Educator Specialty |
2 |
180 |
As the respiratory profession continues to grow and flourish, we feel this is an important and necessary policy to implement in order to ensure caregiver competency and patient safety for years to come.
What is the NBRC’s Record Retention Policy?
When you apply for an examination, your eligibility records are maintained for one year following application regardless of whether or not you schedule an exam. If you don’t actively pursue credentialing, your eligibility records are inactivated after one year. If you are a candidate whose records are inactivated, you must reapply as a new candidate and meet the most current admissions requirements to be eligible for the exam. Please note: if you have passed one of the examinations to earn the RRT Credential (TMC or CSE) and allow your application records to become inactivated, your passing performance will be nullified, so we encourage you to pursue credentialing in a timely manner after applying and receiving a confirmation of eligibility notice.
To support you through the entire process, we are committed to providing appropriate notices to candidates before their application records are inactivated, so we also encourage you to keep your contact information current with the NBRC.
Does passing the TMC Examination at the high cut score automatically mean I’m eligible for the CSE?
No. You must meet the CSE eligibility requirements, regardless of examination score.
I have already passed one portion of the RRT Examination. What do I do now?
If you passed the Therapist Written Examination (WRRT) prior to January 1, 2015, you are eligible for the CSE. If you passed the CSE but not the Therapist Written Examination (WRRT), you must take the TMC exam and pass at the high cut score to earn the RRT credential.
I‘m a CRT and didn’t graduate with an Associates Degree. Can I apply for the CSE?
Yes. You must satisfy one of the following CRT-to-Registry admission requirements:
- Be a CRT for at least four years prior to applying for the examinations associated with the RRT credential. In addition, you must have at least 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or its equivalent. The 62 semester hours of college credit must include the following courses: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, and mathematics.
- Be a CRT for at least two years prior to applying for the examinations associated with the RRT credential. In addition, you must have earned a minimum of an associate degree from an accredited entry-level respiratory care education program; or
- Be a CRT for at least two years prior to applying for the examinations associated with the RRT credential. In addition, you must have earned a baccalaureate degree in an area other than respiratory care and have at least 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or equivalent. The 62 semester hours of college credit must include the following courses: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, and mathematics.
If I am applying under the CRT-to-Registry Provision, how do I know if I’ve taken the required courses?
The NBRC offers a CRT-to-Registry transcript evaluation at no charge. To request a CRT-to-Registry evaluation, submit a copy of your college transcripts with a completed CRT-to-Registry Evaluation Form to our office. Do not submit an application or fee since you are only requesting an evaluation of your education. Please allow approximately three weeks for a response to your request.
Please note that an evaluation request with no transcript information attached may result in a significantly delayed response.
What are the admission requirements for the PFT Examination?
You must be 18 years of age or older and have one of the following:
- Have a minimum of an associate degree from a respiratory care education program that is supported or accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC); or
- Be a CRT or RRT credentialed by the NBRC; or
- Complete 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or its equivalent, including college credit level courses in biology and mathematics; or
- Be a CPFT if seeking the RPFT credential.
What is the application process, and how long does it take?
You may apply online or submit a paper application and fee once you have met the admission requirements.
If applying and paying by credit card online, your application is processed immediately. If mailing your application and fee, your application will be processed within approximately five to seven business days. An email confirmation notice of eligibility will be sent to you containing a website and toll-free telephone number for you to contact to schedule an examination appointment.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you will be notified by email of the additional information required to complete your application.
What are the examination fees?
The PFT Examination costs $200 for new applicants and $170 for repeat applicants.
Are any examination fee discounts offered?
Yes, AARC MEMBERS are eligible for a one-time, $40 discount when applying for the first time for the following NBRC examinations:
You must register for the AARC Member Discount through the AARC website at AARC will send an email after registering for the discount containing instructions about accessing the NBRC’s online examination application. You must begin the application process from the link in the instructions you receive from the AARC by email. The discount must be used at the time you submit your application and payment and will not be retroactively applied.
When is the application deadline?
There are no application deadlines. If you meet the admissions requirements for an examination you may submit your application and fee at any time.
What if I don’t receive an email confirming my eligibility?
If you don’t receive an email confirmation of eligibility or an incomplete notice within two weeks after submitting your application, contact the NBRC. If your application is not on file, you will be asked to send a replacement application form and fee.
When and where are NBRC examinations administered?
NBRC examinations are administered Monday through Saturday at more than 300 assessment centers across the country (except on nationally recognized holidays). Search for an assessment center near you.
Can I schedule my examination online?
Yes. If you are approved to take an examination and paid the appropriate fee, you may schedule online.
Is a free practice examination available?
A free PFT practice examination is available so you may familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on the credentialing exam.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
Is a Self-Assessment Examination available?
If you are assessing your preparedness for the PFT Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase. The PFT SAE has the same number of questions as the credentialing examination.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
How much testing time is given to complete the PFT Examination?
The testing time for the PFT Examination is two hours.
What content will be included on the PFT Examination?
To begin your preparation in an informed and organized manner, you should know what to expect from the actual examination in terms of content areas tested. The detailed content outlines present the specific patient care settings and each of the content areas. The outlines can be used to get a general impression of the examination, and with closer inspection, can give you specific study direction. For example, you can determine the relative importance of each content area on the examination by reviewing the number of questions in each section.
When will I receive my test scores?
You will receive information about your score at the test center after completing the examination.
Do I have to wait between attempts of the examination?
As indicated in the table below, candidates may attempt the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations three times, after which the candidate will be required to wait a minimum of 120 days between any subsequent attempt. For the specialty credentialing examinations, including Pulmonary Function Technology, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty, Sleep Disorders Specialty, and Adult Critical Care Specialty Examinations, candidates may attempt the exam two times, after which the candidate will be required to wait at least 180 days before sitting for the exam again.
Examination |
Initial Attempts Without Waiting |
Days Between Each Subsequent Attempt |
Therapist Multiple-Choice |
3 |
120 |
Clinical Simulation |
3 |
120 |
Pulmonary Function Technology |
2 |
180 |
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Sleep Disorders Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Adult Critical Care Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Asthma Educator Specialty |
2 |
180 |
As the respiratory profession continues to grow and flourish, we feel this is an important and necessary policy to implement in order to ensure caregiver competency and patient safety for years to come.
What is the NBRC’s Record Retention Policy?
When you apply for an examination, your eligibility records are maintained for one year following application regardless of whether or not you schedule an exam. If you don’t actively pursue credentialing, your eligibility records are inactivated after one year. If you are a candidate whose records are inactivated, you must reapply as a new candidate and meet the most current admissions requirements to be eligible for the exam. Please note: if you have passed one of the examinations to earn the RRT Credential (TMC or CSE) and allow your application records to become inactivated, your passing performance will be nullified, so we encourage you to pursue credentialing in a timely manner after applying and receiving a confirmation of eligibility notice.
To support you through the entire process, we are committed to providing appropriate notices to candidates before their application records are inactivated, so we also encourage you to keep your contact information current with the NBRC.
What do the cut scores mean?
There are two established cut scores for the PFT Examination. If you achieve the low cut score, you will earn the CPFT credential. If you achieve the high cut score, you will earn the RPFT credential.
I have already earned the CPFT credential but not the RPFT credential. What do I do now?
If you would like to earn the RPFT credential, you will have to take the PFT exam and pass at the high cut score.
If I currently hold the CPFT credential and score below the low cut on the PFT Examination, will I lose my CPFT credential?
No. You can retake the exam as many times as necessary to earn the RPFT credential without impacting the status of your current CPFT credential.
What are the admission requirements for the ACCS Examination?
You must be a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) for at least one year prior to applying for the ACCS Examination.
What is the application process, and how long does it take?
You may apply online or submit a paper application and fee once you have met the admission requirements.
If applying and paying by credit card online, your application is processed immediately. If mailing your application and fee, your application will be processed within approximately five to seven days. An email confirmation notice of eligibility will be sent to you, which includes a website and toll-free telephone number for you to contact to schedule an examination appointment.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you will be notified by email of the additional information required to complete your application.
What are the examination fees?
The ACCS Examination costs $300 for new applicants and $250 for reapplicants.
Are any examination fee discounts offered?
Yes, AARC MEMBERS are eligible for a one-time, $40 discount when applying for the first time for the following NBRC examinations:
You must register for the AARC Member Discount through the AARC website at AARC will send an email after registering for the discount containing instructions about accessing the NBRC’s online examination application. You must begin the application process from the link in the instructions you receive from the AARC by email. The discount must be used at the time you submit your application and payment and will not be retroactively applied.
When is the application deadline?
There are no application deadlines. If you meet the admissions requirements for an examination you may submit your application and fee at any time.
What if I don’t receive an email confirming my eligibility?
If you don’t receive an email confirmation of eligibility or an incomplete notice within two weeks of submitting your application, contact the NBRC. If your application is not on file, you will be asked to send a replacement application form and fee.
When and where are NBRC examinations administered?
NBRC examinations are administered Monday through Saturday at more than 300 assessment centers across the country (except on nationally recognized holidays). Search for an assessment center near you.
Can I schedule my examination online?
Yes. If you are approved to take an examination and paid the appropriate fee, you may schedule online.
Is a free practice examination available?
A free ACCS practice examination is available so you may familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on the credentialing exam. This practice examination has 50 items and is shorter than the actual credentialing exam.
The examination committee and the NBRC Board of Trustees agreed that a practice examination that is only a third as long as the actual exam would expedite the process of creating live exams. The practice examination covers the content domains and cognitive item types in the same proportions as the live examinations and was developed by the same committee as the full exam.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
Is a Self-Assessment Examination available?
If you are assessing your preparedness for the ACCS Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase. The ACCS SAE has the same number of questions as the credentialing examination.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
How much testing time is given to complete the ACCS Examination?
The testing time for the ACCS Examination is four hours.
What content will be included on the ACCS Examination?
To begin your preparation in an informed and organized manner, you should know what to expect from the actual examination in terms of content areas tested. The detailed content outlines present the specific patient care settings and each of the content areas. The outlines can be used to get a general impression of the examination, and with closer inspection, can give you specific study direction. For example, you can determine the relative importance of each content area on the examination by reviewing the number of questions in each section.
When will I receive my test scores?
You will receive information about your score at the test center after completing the examination.
Do I have to wait between attempts of the examination?
As indicated in the table below, candidates may attempt the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations three times, after which the candidate will be required to wait a minimum of 120 days between any subsequent attempt. For the specialty credentialing examinations, including Pulmonary Function Technology, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty, Sleep Disorders Specialty, and Adult Critical Care Specialty Examinations, candidates may attempt the exam two times, after which the candidate will be required to wait at least 180 days before sitting for the exam again.
Examination |
Initial Attempts Without Waiting |
Days Between Each Subsequent Attempt |
Therapist Multiple-Choice |
3 |
120 |
Clinical Simulation |
3 |
120 |
Pulmonary Function Technology |
2 |
180 |
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Sleep Disorders Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Adult Critical Care Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Asthma Educator Specialty |
2 |
180 |
As the respiratory profession continues to grow and flourish, we feel this is an important and necessary policy to implement in order to ensure caregiver competency and patient safety for years to come.
What is the NBRC’s Record Retention Policy?
When you apply for an examination, your eligibility records are maintained for one year following application regardless of whether or not you schedule an exam. If you don’t actively pursue credentialing, your eligibility records are inactivated after one year. If you are a candidate whose records are inactivated, you must reapply as a new candidate and meet the most current admissions requirements to be eligible for the exam. Please note: if you have passed one of the examinations to earn the RRT Credential (TMC or CSE) and allow your application records to become inactivated, your passing performance will be nullified, so we encourage you to pursue credentialing in a timely manner after applying and receiving a confirmation of eligibility notice.
To support you through the entire process, we are committed to providing appropriate notices to candidates before their application records are inactivated, so we also encourage you to keep your contact information current with the NBRC.
Why are secondary test specifications included for this examination?
There are two sets of secondary test specifications. One set is for items that will engage you in thinking about ethics of the situation. The other set is defined by patient condition.
Addressing ethics content is important for this examination and credential. As an adult critical care specialist, you will engage in situations that include ethical elements, so part of producing a relevant examination is mirroring those situations. In contrast to a CRT Examination, which should assess whether a therapist is safe and competent to provide general respiratory care, ethical considerations are a part of what it means to be recognized as a specialist. Therefore, we have determined you must have a strong grasp on ethical issues before achieving the ACCS specialty credential.
Because the ACCS Examination is a specialty exam, it is more strongly oriented to clinical situations and less toward the technical elements of respiratory care. Without secondary specifications, we know there is a risk of letting one test form emphasize one type of patient condition too much or differently than another test form. For example, one test form could have five items about patients with congestive heart failure while another form might not include any. Therefore, secondary specifications are critical to aligning examination content with activities of specialists and standardizing test forms among candidates.
How did the NBRC determine the content for the examination?
We conducted a job analysis study to ensure the examination content would be job-related and based on tasks performed by practitioners in this specialty area. To rate the importance of job tasks, we sent several thousand surveys to individuals who are involved in the delivery of care to patients in adult critical care settings.
In developing our ACCS program, we sought input from a variety of organizations representing adult critical care, and we collaborated with other organizations that have a vested interest in protecting the public and improving care for adult critical care patients. Because of this effort, our ACCS program is well respected and supported by several professional organizations, including the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC), the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS).
Why should I earn the RRT-ACCS credential?
This specialty examination is unique to the daily tasks you’ll perform as an adult critical care specialist. It goes above and beyond general activities, so you can demonstrate your acquired skill level in this expanding specialty of respiratory care.
What are the admission requirements for the NPS Examination?
To qualify for the NPS Examination, you must be an RRT.
What is the application process, and how long does it take?
You may apply online or submit a paper application and fee once you have met the admission requirements.
If applying and paying by credit card online, your application is processed immediately. If mailing your application and fee, your application will be processed within approximately five to seven business days. An email confirmation notice of eligibility will be sent to you, which includes a website and toll-free telephone number for you to contact to schedule an examination appointment.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you will be notified by email of the additional information required to complete your application.
What are the examination fees?
The NPS Examination costs $250 for new applicants and $220 for reapplicants.
Are any examination fee discounts offered?
Yes, AARC MEMBERS are eligible for a one-time, $40 discount when applying for the first time for the following NBRC examinations:
You must register for the AARC Member Discount through the AARC website at AARC will send an email after registering for the discount containing instructions about accessing the NBRC’s online examination application. You must begin the application process from the link in the instructions you receive from the AARC by email. The discount must be used at the time you submit your application and payment and will not be retroactively applied.
When is the application deadline?
There are no application deadlines. If you meet the admissions requirements for an examination you may submit your application and fee at any time.
What if I don’t receive an email confirming my eligibility?
If you don’t receive a confirmation of eligibility or an incomplete notice within two weeks of submitting your application, contact the NBRC. If your application is not on file, you will be asked to send a replacement application form and fee.
When and where are NBRC examinations administered?
NBRC examinations are administered Monday through Saturday at more than 300 assessment centers across the country (except on nationally recognized holidays). Search for an assessment center near you.
Can I schedule my examination online?
Yes, if you are approved to take an examination and paid the appropriate fee, you may schedule online.
Is a free practice examination available?
A free NPS practice examination is available so you may familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on the credentialing exam.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
Is a Self-Assessment Examination available?
If you are assessing your preparedness for the NPS Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase. The NPS SAE has the same number of questions as the credentialing examination.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
How much testing time is given to complete the NPS Examination?
The testing time for the NPS Examination is three hours.
What content will be included on the NPS Examination?
To begin your preparation in an informed and organized manner, you should know what to expect from the actual examination in terms of content areas tested. The detailed content outlines present the specific patient care settings and each of the content areas. The outlines can be used to get a general impression of the examination, and with closer inspection, can give you specific study direction. For example, you can determine the relative importance of each content area on the examination by reviewing the number of questions in each section.
When will I receive my test scores?
You will receive information about your score at the test center after completing the examination.
Do I have to wait between attempts of the examination?
As indicated in the table below, candidates may attempt the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations three times, after which the candidate will be required to wait a minimum of 120 days between any subsequent attempt. For the specialty credentialing examinations, including Pulmonary Function Technology, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty, Sleep Disorders Specialty, and Adult Critical Care Specialty Examinations, candidates may attempt the exam two times, after which the candidate will be required to wait at least 180 days before sitting for the exam again.
Examination |
Initial Attempts Without Waiting |
Days Between Each Subsequent Attempt |
Therapist Multiple-Choice |
3 |
120 |
Clinical Simulation |
3 |
120 |
Pulmonary Function Technology |
2 |
180 |
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Sleep Disorders Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Adult Critical Care Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Asthma Educator Specialty |
2 |
180 |
As the respiratory profession continues to grow and flourish, we feel this is an important and necessary policy to implement in order to ensure caregiver competency and patient safety for years to come.
What is the NBRC’s Record Retention Policy?
When you apply for an examination, your eligibility records are maintained for one year following application regardless of whether or not you schedule an exam. If you don’t actively pursue credentialing, your eligibility records are inactivated after one year. If you are a candidate whose records are inactivated, you must reapply as a new candidate and meet the most current admissions requirements to be eligible for the exam. Please note: if you have passed one of the examinations to earn the RRT Credential (TMC or CSE) and allow your application records to become inactivated, your passing performance will be nullified, so we encourage you to pursue credentialing in a timely manner after applying and receiving a confirmation of eligibility notice.
To support you through the entire process, we are committed to providing appropriate notices to candidates before their application records are inactivated, so we also encourage you to keep your contact information current with the NBRC.
How did the NBRC determine the content for the examination?
We conducted a job analysis study to ensure the examination content would be job-related and based on tasks performed by practitioners in this specialty area. To rate the importance of job tasks, we sent several thousand surveys to individuals who are involved in the delivery of care to patients in adult critical care settings.
In developing our NPS program, we sought input from a variety of organizations representing neonatal/pediatric respiratory care, and we collaborated with other organizations that have a vested interest in protecting the public and improving care for neonatal and pediatric patients. Because of this effort, our NPS program is well respected and supported by several professional organizations, including the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC), the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS).
Why should I earn the RRT-NPS credential?
This specialty examination is unique to the daily tasks you’ll perform as a neonatal/pediatric respiratory care specialist. It goes above and beyond general activities, so you can demonstrate your acquired skill level in this specialized area of respiratory care.
What are the admission requirements for the SDS Examination?
To qualify for the SDS Examination, you must meet one of the following requirements:
- Be a Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) or Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) and have completed a CoARC accredited respiratory therapist education program that includes a sleep add-on track; or
- Be a Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) for at least six months prior to applying for the SDS Examination; or
- Be a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) for at least three months prior to applying for the SDS Examination.
What is the application process, and how long does it take?
You may apply online or submit a paper application and fee once you have met the admission requirements.
If applying and paying by credit card online, your application is processed immediately. If mailing your application and fee, your application will be processed within approximately five to seven business days. An email confirmation notice of eligibility will be sent to you, which includes a website and toll-free telephone number for you to contact to schedule an examination appointment.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you will be notified by email of the additional information required to complete your application.
What are the examination fees?
The Sleep Disorders Specialty Examination costs $300 for new applicants and $250 for reapplicants.
Are any examination fee discounts offered?
Yes, AARC MEMBERS are eligible for a one-time, $40 discount when applying for the first time for the following NBRC examinations:
You must register for the AARC Member Discount through the AARC website at AARC will send an email after registering for the discount containing instructions about accessing the NBRC’s online examination application. You must begin the application process from the link in the instructions you receive from the AARC by email. The discount must be used at the time you submit your application and payment and will not be retroactively applied.
When is the application deadline?
There are no application deadlines. If you meet the admissions requirements for an examination you may submit your application and fee at any time.
What if I don’t receive an email confirming my eligibility?
If you don’t receive a confirmation of eligibility or an incomplete notice within two weeks of submitting your application, contact the NBRC. If your application is not on file, you will be asked to send a replacement application form and fee.
When and where are NBRC examinations administered?
NBRC examinations are administered Monday through Saturday at more than 300 assessment centers across the country (except on nationally recognized holidays). Search for an assessment center near you.
Can I schedule my examination online?
Yes, if you are approved to take an examination and paid the appropriate fee, you may schedule online.
Is a free practice examination available?
A free SDS practice examination is available so you may familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on the credentialing exam.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
Is a Self-Assessment Examination available?
If you are assessing your preparedness for the SDS Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase. The SDS SAE has the same number of questions as the credentialing examination.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
How much testing time is given to complete the SDS Examination?
The testing time for the SDS Examination is four hours.
What content will be included on the SDS Examination?
To begin your preparation in an informed and organized manner, you should know what to expect from the actual examination in terms of content areas tested. The detailed content outlines present the specific patient care settings and each of the content areas. The outlines can be used to get a general impression of the examination, and with closer inspection, can give you specific study direction. For example, you can determine the relative importance of each content area on the examination by reviewing the number of questions in each section.
A Detailed Content Outline for the SDS Examination is available here.
When will I receive my test scores?
You will receive information about your score at the test center after completing the examination.
Do I have to wait between attempts of the examination?
As indicated in the table below, candidates may attempt the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations three times, after which the candidate will be required to wait a minimum of 120 days between any subsequent attempt. For the specialty credentialing examinations, including Pulmonary Function Technology, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty, Sleep Disorders Specialty, and Adult Critical Care Specialty Examinations, candidates may attempt the exam two times, after which the candidate will be required to wait at least 180 days before sitting for the exam again.
Examination |
Initial Attempts Without Waiting |
Days Between Each Subsequent Attempt |
Therapist Multiple-Choice |
3 |
120 |
Clinical Simulation |
3 |
120 |
Pulmonary Function Technology |
2 |
180 |
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Sleep Disorders Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Adult Critical Care Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Asthma Educator Specialty |
2 |
180 |
As the respiratory profession continues to grow and flourish, we feel this is an important and necessary policy to implement in order to ensure caregiver competency and patient safety for years to come.
What is the NBRC’s Record Retention Policy?
When you apply for an examination, your eligibility records are maintained for one year following application regardless of whether or not you schedule an exam. If you don’t actively pursue credentialing, your eligibility records are inactivated after one year. If you are a candidate whose records are inactivated, you must reapply as a new candidate and meet the most current admissions requirements to be eligible for the exam. Please note: if you have passed one of the examinations to earn the RRT Credential (TMC or CSE) and allow your application records to become inactivated, your passing performance will be nullified, so we encourage you to pursue credentialing in a timely manner after applying and receiving a confirmation of eligibility notice.
To support you through the entire process, we are committed to providing appropriate notices to candidates before their application records are inactivated, so we also encourage you to keep your contact information current with the NBRC.
How did the NBRC determine the content for the examination?
We conducted a job analysis study to ensure examination content would be job-related and based on tasks performed by practitioners in this specialty area. We sent several thousand surveys to individuals who are involved in the delivery of care to patients with sleep disorders to rate the importance of job tasks.
In developing our SDS program, we sought input from a variety of organizations representing sleep disorders testing and therapeutic intervention, and we collaborated with other organizations that have a vested interest in protecting the public and improving care for patients with sleep disorders. Because of this effort, our SDS program is well respected and supported by several professional organizations, including the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC), the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS).
Why did NBRC create the Sleep Disorders Specialty Examination program?
The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) requested that NBRC determine the desirability and feasibility of developing a specialty examination for respiratory therapists performing sleep disorders testing and therapeutic intervention. After following a long established, five-step process to determine if a new specialty examination in this area was warranted and feasible, we discovered the answer was overwhelmingly yes.
Why should I earn the CRT-SDS or RRT-SDS credential?
This specialty examination is unique to your daily tasks as a sleep disorders specialist. It goes above and beyond general activities so you can demonstrate your acquired skill level in this expanding specialty of respiratory care.
What guidelines were followed for examination items pertaining to scoring of sleep results?
The AASM Manual for Sleep Scoring
How is this examination different than a polysomnography examination?
The Specialty Examination for Respiratory Therapists Performing Sleep Disorders Testing and Therapeutic Intervention is for respiratory therapists already having earned the CRT or RRT credentials. Content of this specialty examination concentrates on sleep-focused testing and intervention conducted by respiratory therapists and requires respiratory therapy education for eligibility.
AE-C Exam FAQs
What are the admission requirements for the AE-C Examination?
To qualify for the Asthma Educator Specialty Examination, you must meet one of the following requirements:
Be issued a current, active, unrestricted license or credential from the United States in one of the following:
- Physicians (MD, DO)
- Physician Assistants (PA-C)
- Nurses (RN, LPN, NP)
- Respiratory Therapists (RRT, CRT)
- Pulmonary Function Technologists (RPFT, CPFT)
- Pharmacists (RPh)
- Social Workers (CSW)
- Health Educators (CHES)
- Physical Therapist (PT)
- Occupational Therapist (OT)
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT, AEMT)
- Paramedic
Have a minimum of 1,000 hours of direct patient asthma education, counseling or coordinating services prior to applying for the examination. If applying under this admission route, you must submit a paper application form and payment to the NBRC office for processing. If you do not have an active US license or credential, you must apply under this eligibility route.
What is the application process, and how long does it take?
You may apply online or submit a paper application and fee once you have met the admission requirements.
If applying and paying by credit card online, your application is processed immediately. If mailing your application and fee, your application will be processed within approximately five to seven business days. An email confirmation notice of eligibility will be sent to you, which includes a website and toll-free telephone number for you to contact to schedule an examination appointment.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you will be notified by email of the additional information required to complete your application.
What are the examination fees?
The AE-C Examination costs $350 for new applicants and $250 for reapplicants.
Are any examination fee discounts offered?
Yes, AARC MEMBERS are eligible for a one-time, $40 discount when applying for the first time for the following NBRC examinations:
– AE-C discount will be available soon
You must register for the AARC Member Discount through the AARC website at AARC will send an email after registering for the discount containing instructions about accessing the NBRC’s online examination application. You must begin the application process from the link in the instructions you receive from the AARC by email. The discount must be used at the time you submit your application and payment and will not be retroactively applied.
When is the application deadline?
There are no application deadlines. If you meet the admissions requirements for an examination you may submit your application and fee at any time.
What if I don’t receive an email confirming my eligibility?
If you don’t receive an email confirmation of eligibility or an incomplete notice within two weeks of submitting your application, contact the NBRC. If your application is not on file, you will be asked to send a replacement application form and fee.
When and where are NBRC examinations administered?
NBRC examinations are administered Monday through Saturday at more than 300 assessment centers across the country (except on nationally recognized holidays). Search for an assessment center near you.
Can I schedule my examination online?
Yes. If you are approved to take an examination and paid the appropriate fee, you may schedule online.
Is a free practice examination available?
A free AE-C practice examination is available so you may familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on the credentialing exam.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
Is a Self-Assessment Examination available?
If you are assessing your preparedness for the AE-C Examination and feel you need more guidance than the free practice exam, there is a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) available for purchase. The AE-C SAE is a 75-item multiple-choice practice examination.
ATTENTION – By accessing this examination, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
How much testing time is given to complete the AE-C Examination?
The testing time for the AE-C Examination is three and one-half hours.
What content will be included on the AE-C Examination?
To begin your preparation in an informed and organized manner, you should know what to expect from the actual examination in terms of content areas tested. The detailed content outlines present the specific patient care settings and each of the content areas. The outlines can be used to get a general impression of the examination, and with closer inspection, can give you specific study direction. For example, you can determine the relative importance of each content area on the examination by reviewing the number of questions in each section.
When will I receive my test scores?
After you have completed the examination, your score report will be sent by email to the address on file with PSI. If you don’t receive your score report within 24 hours, contact PSI at 833.256.1424, or
Do I have to wait between attempts of the examination?
As indicated in the table below, candidates may attempt the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations three times, after which the candidate will be required to wait a minimum of 120 days between any subsequent attempt. For the specialty credentialing examinations, including Pulmonary Function Technology, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty, Sleep Disorders Specialty, Adult Critical Care Specialty, and Asthma Educator Specialty Examinations, candidates may attempt the exam two times, after which the candidate will be required to wait at least 180 days before sitting for the exam again.
Examination |
Initial Attempts Without Waiting |
Days Between Each Subsequent Attempt |
Therapist Multiple-Choice |
3 |
120 |
Clinical Simulation |
3 |
120 |
Pulmonary Function Technology |
2 |
180 |
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Sleep Disorders Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Adult Critical Care Specialty |
2 |
180 |
Asthma Educator Specialty |
2 |
180 |
As the respiratory profession continues to grow and flourish, we feel this is an important and necessary policy to implement in order to ensure caregiver competency and patient safety for years to come.
What is the NBRC’s Record Retention Policy?
When you apply for an examination, your eligibility records are maintained for one year following application regardless of whether or not you schedule an exam. If you don’t actively pursue credentialing, your eligibility records are inactivated after one year. If you are a candidate whose records are inactivated, you must reapply as a new candidate and meet the most current admissions requirements to be eligible for the exam. Please note: if you have passed one of the examinations to earn the RRT Credential (TMC or CSE) and allow your application records to become inactivated, your passing performance will be nullified, so we encourage you to pursue credentialing in a timely manner after applying and receiving a confirmation of eligibility notice.
To support you through the entire process, we are committed to providing appropriate notices to candidates before their application records are inactivated, so we also encourage you to keep your contact information current with the NBRC.
How is the content for the examination determined?
A job analysis study is conducted to ensure the examination content would be job-related and based on tasks performed by practitioners in this specialty area. To rate the importance of job tasks, several thousand surveys are sent to individuals who are involved in the delivery of care to patients in asthma educator settings.
Why should I earn the AE-C credential?
This specialty examination is unique to the daily tasks you’ll perform as an asthma educator care specialist. It goes above and beyond general activities, so you can demonstrate your acquired skill level in this expanding specialty of respiratory care.
Find the Documents You Need
Visit our Document Library for fast access to the Candidate Handbook, applications, exam content outlines, program brochures, and more.
Candidate and Practitioner Instructional Videos
Candidate Handbook
Credential Lapel Pins Infographic
Credential Maintenance Program (CMP)
Asthma Educator Specialist (AE-C) Continuing Education Information
Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) FAQs
Credential Maintenance Program Brochure
Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) Assessment Instructions
- CMP Adult Critical Care Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Pulmonary Function Technology Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Respiratory Therapist Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Sleep Disorders Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
- CMP Asthma Educator Specialty Assessment Detailed Content Outline
Credential Maintenance Program Most Missed Concepts
Credential Verification Form
Credentialing Examinations Detailed Content Outlines
- ACCS Detailed Content Outline – Effective June 2018
- AE-C Detailed Content Outline – Effective September 2018
- CSE Detailed Content Outline – Effective January 2020
- NPS Detailed Content Outline – Effective October 2018
- PFT Detailed Content Outline – Effective October 2022
- SDS Detailed Content Outline – Effective September 2023
- TMC Detailed Content Outline – Effective January 2020
CRT-to-Registry Evaluation Form
Electronic Services Agreement
Free Practice Examinations
Free practice examinations are available so you can familiarize yourself with the content and types of questions that will be included on each credentialing exam. Click the appropriate link below to begin.
ATTENTION – By accessing these examinations, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, disclose, offer for sale, or sell any portion of these copyrighted National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. materials in any format. Failure to comply with these terms may result in disciplinary action by the National Board for Respiratory Care, Inc. including loss of your credential, losing your ability to retake an examination, and/or legal action related to copyright infringement.
General Information Brochure
Item Writing Guide
Judicial and Ethics Policy
NBRC AARC CoARC Joint Statements
Other Policies
Proper Use of Credentials
School Summary Reports for CoARC
Student Survivor Hour Virtual Presentation
Technical Articles
- Tips to Overcome Anxiety When Preparing for an NBRC Exam
- Tidal Volume Settings in Adult Mechanical Ventilation
- Accuracy of a Testing Result – Part 1
- Accuracy of a Testing Result – Part 2
- NBRC ACCS Job Analysis Report Summary
- NBRC AE-C Job Analysis Report Summary
- NBRC NPS Job Analysis Report Summary
- NBRC PFT Job Analysis Report Summary
- NBRC SDS Job Analysis Report Summary
- NBRC TMC Job Analysis Report Summary
- CMP Job Analysis Report Summary for AE-C
- CMP Job Analysis Report Summary for PFT
- CMP Job Analysis Report Summary for SDS
Video Presentations for Item Writing
State Licensure
Since the CRT Examination was first used for state licensure in 1985, the NBRC has fostered a strong partnership with state licensure agencies. Today, 49 states regulate respiratory care practice, and they all recognize NBRC credentials as the standards for licensure, forming the basis for reciprocity and enabling credentialed practitioners to relocate from one state to another with ease.
To ensure the value and recognition of the voluntary national credentials, the NBRC has adopted policies permitting the Therapist Multiple-Choice and Clinical Simulation Examinations to be administered on behalf of state agencies for licensure purposes only. Candidates for state licensing apply according to procedures established by the respective state. Questions concerning testing for licensure purposes only should be directed to the responsible state agency.
State Licensure Agency Representatives
Log in to the State Licensure Agency Portal below, which includes access to the National Respiratory Care Disciplinary Database. The National Respiratory Care Disciplinary Database was jointly created by the NBRC and the AARC as a repository for final disciplinary actions taken against respiratory care practitioners by state licensure agencies, the NBRC and AARC. Disciplinary actions are considered final after all appeals have been exhausted; pending actions or appeals are not maintained in the database.
Verify Credentials
Employers, verification agencies, consumers and credentialed practitioners may obtain online verification of all NBRC credentialed practitioners via the Credentialed Practitioner Directory. Credentialing information provided by the NBRC (electronic, verbal, written or otherwise) is considered primary source verification.
Credentialed Practitioners – Login to purchase an official credential verification letter, replacement certificate or wallet card.
Education Programs
Respiratory care education programs are accredited through the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). CoARC is the sole nationally recognized authority for the accreditation of first professional degree programs in respiratory care. CoARC and its sponsoring organizations cooperate to establish, maintain and promote educational standards of quality to prepare individuals for respiratory care practice, and to provide recognition for degree-granting, post-secondary educational programs that meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Accreditation Standards of the Profession of Respiratory Care.
The CoARC publishes a listing of accredited respiratory care programs in the United States and can provide other information about the educational system.
To protect the public from those who attempt to misrepresent their qualifications as credentialed practitioners, the NBRC established the Judicial and Ethics Committee. The Committee is charged with investigating incidents in which national credentials have been falsified, altered examination score reports have been prepared, examination candidates used improper means in taking an examination, and forged educational documents have been presented.
This webpage has been created so our credentialed practitioners, test takers, and others can report a potential violation in a confidential manner. Please be aware that anonymous reports are not accepted and cannot be acted upon. The NBRC will protect the confidentiality of those who provide information to every possible extent.
Types of Violations
The following are reasons an examination application may be refused or for which a candidate or a credentialed individual could be disciplined:
- Obtaining or attempting to obtain Certification, Registration, Recertification or Reregistration by fraud, deception or artifice.
- Knowingly assisting another person or other persons in obtaining or attempting to obtain Certification, Registration, Recertification or Reregistration by fraud, deception, or artifice.
- Failure to follow examination security protocols.
- Unauthorized use of a Certification or Registry certificate or falsification of credentials, or any other NBRC documents.
- Unauthorized possession and/or distribution of any official NBRC testing or examination materials to include copying and/or reproduction of any part of NBRC examination questions or problems.
- A credentialed individual or examination candidates may be disciplined for offenses related to their practice that give cause to question the individual’s ability to practice in a safe and competent manner. Such offenses include, but are not limited to:
- Conviction in a court of law, after all appeals have been exhausted, of a drug or alcohol-related offense that would cause question as to the individual’s ability to appropriately interact with patients and others on the job.
- Conviction in a court of law, after all appeals have been exhausted, of a job-related offense indicating the individual’s intentional negligence and/or purposeful misconduct that results in endangering the health and/or safety of a patient.
- Conviction in a court of law, after all appeals have been exhausted, of an act of physical violence (murder, assault, rape, robbery, etc.) that would cause question as to the individual’s ability to appropriately interact with patients and others on the job.
- Revocation or denial of a license to practice respiratory therapy and/or pulmonary technology by an authorized state agency due to:
- a drug or alcohol-related offense that would cause question as to the individual’s ability to appropriately interact with patients and others on the job.
- a job-related offense indicating the individual’s intentional negligence and/or purposeful misconduct that results in endangering the health and/or safety of a patient.
- an act of physical violence (murder, assault, rape, robbery, etc.) that would cause question as to the individual’s ability to appropriately interact with patients and others on the job.
- Voluntary surrender of a license to practice respiratory therapy and/or pulmonary technology, or another health-related profession, by a credentialed individual and/or examination candidate to an authorized state agency after the filing of a complaint proceeding by an authorized state agency alleging:
- a drug or alcohol-related offense that would cause question as to the individual’s ability to appropriately interact with patients and others on the job.
- a job-related offense indicating the individual’s intentional negligence and/or purposeful misconduct that results in endangering the health and/or safety of a patient.
- an act of physical violence (murder, assault, rape, robbery, etc.) that would cause question as to the individual’s ability to appropriately interact with patients and others on the job.
- Use of any authorized designation (CRT, RRT, CPFT, RPFT, CRT-NPS, RRT-NPS, CRT-SDS, RRT-SDS, RRT-ACCS, AE-C or any other designation granted by the NBRC) in any unauthorized manner, including, but not limited to, disparaging usage or usage for commercial gain.
When the NBRC becomes aware of an incident that may fall into one of the preceding categories, the Judicial and Ethics Committee begins a structured investigation to determine whether or not any disciplinary action will be taken.
NBRC Trademarks
In addition to policing the use of the national respiratory care credentials and ensuring that credentialed practitioners act responsibly on the job, the Judicial and Ethics Committee also has the responsibility to protect the NBRC’s federal trademarks from infringement by unauthorized parties. The federal trademark registrations owned by the NBRC include the corporate logo and the designations CRT, RRT, CPFT, RPFT, CRT-NPS, RRT-NPS, CRT-SDS, RRT-SDS, RRT-ACCS, AE-C and any other designation granted by the NBRC. The Judicial and Ethics Committee works with qualified patent and trademark attorneys to ensure that only those who have passed NBRC examinations have the right to use the trademark designations, adding to the meaning and value of the national respiratory care credentials.
Judicial and Ethics Policies and Procedures
Phone: 913.895.4900
Fax: 913.712.9283