Exam Administration Update
Ensuring you have a positive examination experience is of the utmost importance to us. We know you have spent valuable time preparing for an examination and understand your feelings of frustration when you encounter closed sites, limited test center availability, undesirable test center locations, trouble launching remotely proctored exams, and long wait times when contacting PSI. We want to be transparent with you about these issues and let you know how we are working with PSI to improve these services.
Site Closures – Due to the fluidity of state, county, and city restrictions, some test centers close on short notice, even after re-opening. PSI contacts candidates by email and phone when test centers must be closed. Please check your emails and voice mails often for last-minute updates regarding your scheduled test date. A list of the remaining closed test centers with tentative re-open dates can be found here. As a reminder, a complete list of current test centers is posted on our COVID-19: NBRC Response, Resources & Communications page.
Test Center Availability – PSI began an official re-opening of domestic owned test centers on May 1st, with most sites open by May 18th. As of today, nearly 170 owned and operated US sites are now open. However, test centers are open at 50% capacity to adhere to social distancing, which means appointment availability may not be immediate. PSI is monitoring capacity and working to ensure our candidates have as many options as possible, including plans to open more daily sessions and administer examinations seven days a week. Information regarding the safety and sanitation procedures at test sites can be found at https://www.psionline.com/wp-content/uploads/psi-services-covid-19-faqs.pdf.
Remote Proctoring – PSI discovered an issue preventing examinations from launching and, in some cases, score reports being emailed. This issue has recently been resolved, and candidates should no longer experience these problems. PSI is actively reaching out to reschedule candidates unable to take an examination due to this issue. Candidates may also try to reschedule online by logging into their account at goamp.com.
Call Wait Times – PSI is monitoring the longer than usual call handling times and is taking measures for improvement. NBRC’s dedicated PSI Candidate Services phone number is 833.256.1424 and should be used for any situation requiring assistance from PSI. Be sure to utilize online services at goamp.com to check site availability, schedule examination appointments, and any other relevant information.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to work through the return of examination administration availability in both test centers and the new remote proctoring modality.